Jonn Wood's milleniumCity™
These comics are the top Four. They are lsted in the (apparent) order of popularity. For example, everyone links to either Penny Arcade and/or MegaTokyo, but PA slightly more. Get linked to by any of these guys, and, well, things happen. Click on the title to open the comic (opens in a new window).
Penny Arcade |
»This strip is barely here. The first three times I read it, it had some pretty sick stuff. Then I happened to try it again, and the strip I found didn't really have anything offensive. The odd thing is, it was smack dab in the middle of X rated stuff for a week each way. Weird. Well, It's not like it makes any difference. When it's not using language which would embaress Eminiem, this comic is pretty good. And unarguably the most popular.Rated R.
Megatokyo |
»Please note that I didn't say it was the best. That would be these guys. It doesn't seem very original, does it? I mean, two guys in a foreign country with no way to get home. But then again, Garfield is (basically) about a guy and his cat. I don't know how Jim Davis or Fred Gallgher do it.Rated PG-16.
Machall |
»Another unlikely winner. Some guys in a college dorm. I don't get it. The art is fantastic, when it's on time (read: never), and the comic itself is good too. Unfortunately, it's been cursing a lot lately, that's why it's Rated R.
Real Life |
»My personal favorite. The first one I ever read. If I hadn't seen Take Me To Your Mall in a Scholastic thingie, if I hadn't gone to the now defunct Foxtrot.com, if I hadn't followed the link from Bill Amend's News Page in order to discover both Real Life and Keenspace simultaneously, you wouldn't be reading this right now. I would have tried to host this on Angelfire or somethin'. 8-|This strip follows the misadventures of a cartoon character(seriously) named Greg Dean. The name is a misnomer. Unless, of course, the real world Tony can build time machines.Rated PG-13.
These comics are the Runners-Up. While good, they just don't have the general subject appeal of those up there, but they're pretty popular in their own right.
RPG World |
A comic by a black guy named Ian J. (don't compare me to him...please.) It spoofs the "Final Fantasy" RPG series by Squaresoft. And it's dead on. Good stuff. Really good stuff.Rated PG-13.
Amuse Me! |
Two (cute) college chicks and noncontinuity. That's about it.Rated R. |
Lethal Doses |
A gaming strip (aren't they all?) about a guy named Lame-I mean, Lem-Pew. He can't update Winter to save his life.Rated PG-16. |
Nekobox |
The continuing adventures of a tall, ethnic minority guy with no job. Sounds eerily familiar.Rated PG-16. |
Blindworks |
The continuing adventures some college guys. Sounds eerily familiar.Rated PG-13. |
UnSky |
The continuing adventures of...um...something. I dunno.Rated PG. |
That's about all I can think of. If you have any more, or want to be added, sign the guestbook.